4 x Corning Stripettor Ultra Pipet Controllers with Chargers,...
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Stuart Heat-Stir Hotplate, Model: UC152, Serial No: R600010605.
Invitrogen by Thermo Fisher Scientific, iBlot 2, 2 Gel...
Cleaver Scientific Power Supply Power Pro-300, Serial No: 200820035...
Grant Water Bath Unstirred, JB Nova, Model: JBN12, Serial...
Thermo Scientific Centrifuge, Model: Micro CL21, 230 Volt, YEAR...
3 x SLS Lab Basics Adjustable Speed Vortex Mixers,...
AND Precision Balance, Model: FZ-500i, Capacity: 520g/0.001g.
2 x SLS Lab Basics Micro Centrifuges, Type: C1008-B,...
Grant Bio Mini Shaker for Immunology, Model: PMS-1000i.